Montreal World Film Festival“Focus on World Cinema”section.
Japan-Filmfest Hamburg
A unique youth drama about young men who enjoy cross-dressing, known as “JYOSOKO.” The film follows a young man who had been living a reclusive life, but finds hope in life when he encounters the world of cross-dressing. KAWANO Naoki, who plays the role of Kensuke, gives a passionate performance as the main character, who is confused by but drawn to the suspicious world, and shows off his cross-dressing side. Don’t miss the cross-dressing of the talented actors KUSANO Kota and KINOSHITA Hoka, who are supporting the cast.
女装を楽しむ若者たち、通称「女装子」を描いた異色の青春ドラマ。 この映画は、引きこもり生活を送っていた青年が女装の世界と出会い、人生の希望を見出していく物語。 謙介役の川野直輝は、怪しげな世界に戸惑いながらも惹かれていく主人公を熱演し、可憐な女装娘姿を披露。 脇を固める実力派俳優・草野康太と木下ほうかの女装姿も必見。
Kensuke (KAWANO Naoki) graduates from university and gets a job, but due to repeated failures at work and being unable to get along with his colleagues and boss, he quits the company after six months. He remained holed up in his home for the next five years. While playing games and surfing the Internet, he discovers a site where men who enjoy cross-dressing, “JYOSOKO,” gather. For some reason, he is drawn to them and begins exchanging emails with Karen (KUSANO Kota), a charismatic cross-dressing girl. Eventually, Kensuke steps into a cross-dressing bar and finds his place in that world, but is plagued by prejudice and harassment towards his cross-dressing, and his father tells him not to…